
Main Title

☆ INFO ☆

welcome to my neocities page :)

i absolutely adore the old internet aesthetic and i wanted to make a tiny webpage to share across different platforms so hello hello if you found my page!

if you want a nostalgia trip click here ;)

onto introductions, i go by rodya or pluto and i am 24 years old! i primarily use they/them or xe/xem pronouns but i don't mind going by he/him, she/her and some more neo pronouns if you simply ask first (friends are permitted to use any pronoun for me <3) 

love collecting stamps and blinkies and i most certainly will pluck them from your page so please feel free to take from my page as well :) i have a more comprehensive pixel/stamp dump page on my tumblr.
i am also otherkin/therian and fictionkin! for more info on that, please check out my page if that sort of thing matters to you :) for a list of my fandoms and interests of mine, please check out my rentry!

bestviewedwith botao

click here for a surprise :) ⤴

Adopt-A-Angel Adopt-A-Angel

i adopted these cuties ⤴ over at Adopt-A-Angel