Life is tough. So are you. This too shall pass I love my cat tolerates me I love my chihuahua (cat peeking) Have a nice day! ...somewhere else I think, therefore I'm dangerous Why can't cameras and mirrors just agree on what I look like? On the Internet no one knows you're a cat I wonder if Tom from MySpace is doing ok Let the thoughtful discussion begin!! (caps lock key) X is definitely not the spot My convictions are bumper sticker deep Conformity makes me comfortable I’m not a robot Rickrolled! 10% battery life You are here * EXIT Slide to unlock Attention Psychics' Club: Our new meeting time will be... well, you know Warning: This sticker contains peanuts 404 - Sticker not found No exit No one here gets out alive Love it or leave it. We're all in this thing together. Damned if you do bored if you don't This Website voted Most Interesting Ever!